I live in Southern California and they say it doesn't snow here.  Well, they lied!  I have lived in this neighborhood for 22 yrs and this is the 3rd time it has snowed.  This is the most it has snowed.  It snowed for several hours and stuck quite a bit, you know for not snowing that is!  It looked pretty, it was cold (42 degrees) and I was glad to be inside a nice warm house.  No, I did NOT go outside and make a snowman or snowballs.  I just enjoyed watching it fall.  Hope you get a kick out of my pics.

My backyard right after it started snowing

Down my street

My neighbors house/car

Our yard with much more snow.  Doesn't it look pretty??

Our neighbors house (my mom's bff)

Another pic of yard and hills behind

Our jasmine bush

A little palm in our front yard - that was when it first snowed, now they are covered, and truthfully I think pretty much dead. 


  1. Sorry you are not feeling up to writing!!!
    I am actually caught up on all your blogs and I have nothing to read. How sad.
    Hope you feel better soon. Love ya! Tina


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