They know me by name...
...and I L-O-V-E it!! I mean think about it. You go into your local restaurant and the servers or manager or owners there know you by your name and address you by your name. There is just something about it, that makes you feel at home, makes you feel just a bit more welcome, almost as if you are a part of the place. Don't you think? I don't have many places but there are a few places around town that I do go to (I guess you could say, frequent) and it is nice when they do see me and they smile and come over and greet me.
When I go into my local CVS pharmacy, the pharmacist, Sophie knows me. I know most people would be like, "You know a pharmacist by name?" Yup! The funny thing is, I don't even get all of my prescriptions there. Most of them are mail order, but the ones that aren't and the ones that you get because they are not ones that you are on regularly, I go to her. It is really nice. I go in there, there are about 3 clerks that have been there a few years and they also know me by name. I get up there and we talk, maybe about the weather, their schooling, work or whatever. It is nice. It is nice because on rare occasions if something is not right, I know that Sophie is looking out for me.
My bakery is the BOMB, S&S Donuts is another place that knows me. I have gone to them for 20 years. They have awesome donuts and yummier cakes!! I have ordered cakes from them for years for family gatherings and for work functions. I have also taken in donuts, bagels and muffins to work functions no matter how far my commute was. If I go there, and there is a line out the door, they will smile and wave me to the front to make sure I can get handled quickly so I can be out of there an on my way to work.
There are also a few restaurants that I go to that the owners/servers know me as well. It is nice to walk into a place and have them come out and great you with a smile and a hug and welcome you as if it was their home. They take good care of you. If I call and order something to be picked up, I have no doubt that it will be right and packed with care. Sometimes maybe even a little something extra.
There is just something about going somewhere and being addressed by your name that does something. Am I right? I know I can't be the only one that feels that way. Doesn't it make you feel important, special or something ? Hell, I know it does me and I know I can't be the only one feeling that way! LOL
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