WORDLESS WEDNESDAY ~ according to Daisy the Curly Cat

I am not sure if anyone has found this blog or not, but I love it. It of course is for the animal lovers, specifically the cat lovers. Anyway she has a Wordless Wednesday that she does and when I was showing it to my mom, she was "Like and why haven't you posted any pictures of your son??" Son meaning, Chip. So although this is suppose to be a wordless wednesday... let's just face it... I hardly every "not" talk! LMAO




  1. What cute little animals! :-)

  2. Look at those faces:) So adorable!

    Stopping by from SITS! Hope your day is great.

  3. Soooo cute! I use to refer to my hubby's late cat as his eldest daughter! lol

  4. I especially love the dog one! He looks like he loves those glasses. LOL

  5. The one of Chip looks like he grabbed the camera and turned it on himself for his Facebook profile. You know, like how you can tell when someone has done that because you see their arm out toward the camera? Am I the only one who thinks that? No?

  6. So dang cute! I love adorable animal sites!

    Thanks for helping to make my SITS day last week so special, sitsta!!

  7. Those are some stylin' shades!

    ps: Thanks for the linkie!

  8. I have a kitten and a dog, Mattie and Toby. I think Mattie is determined to be kind of a prissy kitty and Toby is about as lazy as a snail. But I love them both. Your pets are very cute! I'm diggin' Tee-Tee's shades! :D


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