
(First let me preface that I slept on the couch the night before so that I would make sure that I heard mom in case she needed anything…. needless to say if she inhaled loudly I heard it! So let's just say I am a little more tired than normal, if there is such a possible thing with me. Better safe than sorry.)

10:00 am -Alarm goes off (OMG – it is time to get up already – CRAP!!!)
Let Tee-Tee out
Check on Mom
Help mom to beside commode
Help mom back to bed
Let Tee-Tee in
Make ice (No we do not have a refrigerator that makes ice – yes I know that SUCKS!)
Chip is now walking around mewing (ok, screaming for someone). The older he has gotten the more he seems to do this. He has become a very vocal little boy.
Get mom and ice bag for her knee
I finally get a chance to go pee now
Phone call
Pick up blanket/pillow from couch, put away
Take food out for Chip & Tee-Tee
Open blinds throughout the house – Welcome World! (Ok I am trying!)
Give mom her glucometer so she can check her sugar
Get mom a fresh glass of water with lemon in it with her morning pills
Clean Chip’s litter boxes plus a little sickness he also had in the spare room
Prepare Chip and Tee-Tee’s breakfast
Give Chip both of his liquid medications then his breakfast
Phone call
Help mom to beside commode
Help mom back to bed
When Tee-Tee is done eating, give her insulin, and 2 homeopathics, and wipe face
Let Tee-Tee outside again
Phone call
Mom is not really hungry but needs to eat a little something.
Refills mom’s glass of water
I at least get to brush my teeth, wash my face and brush my hair.
Clean one of Chip’s litter boxes b/c with my luck it is a mess.
Took trash out
Get mom to bathroom
Help her wash up a bit
Wash mom’s glasses
Straighten her bed
Help her back to bed
Get mom and ice bag for her knee
Phone call

2:00pm – Home health/PT arrives

PT has TONS of paperwork to do… ugh… it is ridiculous. She is actually here for 3 hours. Some doing paperwork and some actually with Mom doing exercises and evaluating.

2:30pm – Fed lunch to Chip and Tee-Tee
Let Tee-Tee out
Let Tee-Tee in
Make ice

3:00pm – Take a shower. A nice HOT shower. I took a quick one b/c I figured I would be needed soon. And sure enough, I got out, dried off, got dressed and came out to check on them and the aide had some questions for me.
Phone call

3:30pm – we are both HUNGRY and I have decided that mom has to eat a little something so that she can take some more pain pills.
Give mom her glucometer so she can check her sugar
So I fix us each a half a sandwich and give her, her after noon pills and some pain pills. We both inhale our food, as neither one of us like eating in front of other people. Thank GOD I fed her (us) considering she didn’t leave until a little after 5 pm – we would have died from starvation – don’t you think? I am sure of it! Anyway for a few minutes, I sit at the table, pull up a chair and put my legs up and for a brief moment, it was like aaaahhhhhh. It felt so good. That was until I heard, “Ummmm, Tammy I have another question for you.” So my Aaaahhhh moment was short lived but it was wonderful.
Let Tee-Tee out
Refill mom’s water
Phone call
Help mom to commode and back to bed
Cleaned up after lunch
Got mail
Phone call (anyone noticing that the phone calls seem to come at the wrong times???)

5:00pm- PT/Home health left!! Don’t get me wrong, Nancy was very nice, but you know how it is to have someone up in your house like that for over 3 hours having to do paperwork and all. UGH. She will be back 3x’s next week and 2x’s the following week. Then we will have to go to the outpatient PT/
Get mom and ice bag for her knee
Make ice
Phone call
Helped mom to bathroom and back to bed

6:00pm - Dinner time! Normally we don’t eat this early but we are starved.
Neighbor dropped by to check on us her
Give mom her glucometer so she can check her sugar
Made dinner for both us and Chip & Tee-Tee
Got dinner and pain pills & meds for Chip & Tee-Tee (notice how we all need meds? I know SUCKS right?)

Truthfully I could go on till probably about 2 am… b/c you see she isn’t tired yet. :) For some reason the day seemed to drag on for her. So I have her set up in bed, playing the Nintendo DS (yes you heard me right, she loves that darn thing, and let me tell you, I am thrilled she does), and in a few minutes I will help her to the bathroom, and give her another dose of pain pills and hopefully she will want (operative word) to go to sleep. Otherwise I might just have to knock her out so that I can collapse for a few hours. Because let me tell you. Since I slept on the couch last night to make sure I would hear her, and that I did, I heard everything, Tee-Tee getting a drink of water, Chip playing, Chip using his litter box, and even when the ice bag fell out of her bed and I came into her room to see what was going on, I woke her up! Ha ha I know right?

So…although I am running…running…running…and I hate the fact I don’t have the energy and the stamina I did a few years back when I could have done all of this and 10x’s more and think nothing of it, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am so Thankful & Blessed that I am here and well enough to do all that I can do for her. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am so lucky to have her for a mom.


  1. Wow, you posted that at 2am? I'm exhausted just reading it. Somewhere in there it needs to read "Tammy gets a massage" or "Tammy drinks a margarita." Some day, right??


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