Ever wonder what would happen if cats had opposable thumbs...

Originally I was planning on posting a nice piece about Fat Tuesday and Lent and what this means to Catholics and me (really).  BUT earlier today a friend of mine sent me this video and I just couldn't help but to share it.  I mean most likely I will post the piece on Lent later on during Lent, I mean I have 40 days, but I HAD to share this one today!!

This is for all of the Cat people Lovers out.  I have often asked myself this same question..."What would happen if Cats did have opposable thumbs?"  My 2nd cat that I had, was a polydactyl cat (having extra toes, like a baseball mitt, or like thumbs) and was named after that as well, Thums.  I know original, eh?  Anyway.... here is a short video of how some people think it might IF cats did have thumbs... I tend to agree as we all know just how dam smart cats are!


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