About Me

 I am a caretaker, a hard worker, an animal lover, a health advocate, a daughter, a friend, an aunt, a Godmother, a gummy bear addict and hope to someday be a mommy. I also have illnesses (Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Essential Tremors, Cluster Varietal Migraines, UCTD/MCTD, Sleep Apnea, IBS, and TMJ) but try not to let them rule me. I'd rather be the caretaker then the patient any day. I do my best to always find the bright side in everything, even in my illnesses. There is a reason I have these. I may not know all of the answers now...but I will.

My mom and I live together and take care of each other. She is my best friend and I am blessed to have her in my life. I can remember telling my parents from when I was very young that I picked them to be my parents. I know it may sound weird, but it is true. I actually can remember picking them! My father passed away Mother’s day 2008 and we miss me him every day.

Dad & Mom

I currently have 2 animals and they provide much entertainment. My dog is Tee-Tee (aka Princess) and she is an 11 yr old Chihuahua/Rhodesian Ridgeback mix that we saved. I also have a 12 yr short hair white with black cat, Chip that was saved from the pound. He is also known as my million dollar kitty (aka Prince or King).



In this blog I will be talking about things that go in my life positive or negative. No holding back…that is who I am. I say it the way it is. Welcome to my world!

I hope you enjoy stopping by as much as I have enjoyed you stopping by. I only hope you have taken a few moments out of your busy day to leave me a comment, because I LOVE COMMENTS!!


  1. I agree, comments are always cool. Hope you don't mind but I've put a link to your blog from mine...

    Wishing you an abundance of spoons!


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